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<Field />

A type-checked form field.

This component renders an input by default. This can be changed to textarea, select, or a custom component by passing it to the as prop.

The input transforms its value based on the type prop, which currently supports the following input types:

  • text
  • number
  • date (Date and number timestamp, see dateAsNumber prop)
  • checkbox
  • radio

It is allowed to use multiple inputs on the same field, all of them will be synchronized.

These inputs are given a className when errored (field-error) or modified (field-dirty) by default.


const form = useForm({
    name: "John",
    age: 19,
    birthDate: new Date(),
    birthDateTimestamp: new Date().getTime(),
    likesPasta: false,
    gender: "male",
    favoriteDrinks: ["coffee"],
    description: "Working.."

// String field
<Field form={form} type="text" name="name" />

// Number field
<Field form={form} type="number" name="age" />

// Date field
<Field form={form} type="date" name="birthDate" />

// Timestamp (number as a date) field
<Field form={form} type="date" name="birthDateTimestamp" dateAsNumber />

// Boolean field
<Field form={form} type="checkbox" name="likesPasta" />

Radio buttons

Radio buttons must be given a value, and can be used for fields of different types.

// Enum field
<Field form={form} type="radio" name="gender" value="male" />
<Field form={form} type="radio" name="gender" value="female" />

// Boolean field
<Field form={form} type="radio" name="likesPasta" value={true} />
<Field form={form} type="radio" name="likesPasta" value={false} />


Checkboxes behave like a boolean field by default, but when given a value, it behaves as a primitive array field (like a select with multiple = true). They can also set values on check/uncheck, this is useful for toggling fields.

// Boolean field
<Field form={form} type="checkbox" name="likesPasta" />

// Primitive array field (primitive meaning non-object)
<Field form={form} type="checkbox" name="favoriteDrinks" value="coffee" />
<Field form={form} type="checkbox" name="favoriteDrinks" value="fanta" />
<Field form={form} type="checkbox" name="favoriteDrinks" value="beer" />

// Toggling other field, notice setNullOnUncheck and value=""
<Field form={form} type="checkbox" name="description" setNullOnUncheck value="" />
// Option 1: Use the hideWhenNull prop
<Field as="textarea" form={form} name="description" hideWhenNull />
// Option 2: Listen for changes on the description field, and hide the textarea when the value is null. More flexibility.
<Listener form={form} name="description" render={
    ({ value }) => value !== null && <Field as="textarea" form={form} name="description" />


const form = useForm({
    language: "english",
    visitedCountries: ["sweden"]

// Enum field
<Field as="select" form={form} name="language">
    <option value="english">English</option>
    <option value="dutch">Dutch</option>
    <option value="french">French</option>

// Primitive array field (primitive meaning non-object)
<Field as="select" form={form} name="visitedCountries" multiple>
    <option value="sweden">Sweden</option>
    <option value="russia">Russia</option>
    <option value="kroatia">Kroatia</option>


const form = useForm({
    description: "Ullamco velit eiusmod eiusmod veniam nulla exercitation fugiat."

<Field as="textarea" form={form} name="description" />;

Styling/custom component

❌ Inline styling

You can pass the style and className props to the Field component, but this will get repetitive and annoying fast.

<Field className="input" errorClassName="input-error" name="field1" />
<Field className="input" errorClassName="input-error" name="field2" />
<Field className="input" errorClassName="input-error" name="field3" />

<Field style={{...}} errorStyle={{...}} name="field1" />
<Field style={{...}} errorStyle={{...}} name="field2" />
<Field style={{...}} errorStyle={{...}} name="field3" />

You should only use the errorStyle, dirtyStyle, errorClassName and dirtyClassName props in rare situations where you need specific style overrides for a specific field.

✔️ Using custom component

You should pass a custom component to the as prop of Field. The props required by your component will be placed on the Field component (will be type-checked).

Some props of your custom component will be filled in automatically by the Field component:

onChange The change handler, this can be a React.ChangeEventHandler or a (value: T) => void, ready to be passed to your underlying input.
value The current value in string format, ready to be passed to the underlying input element.
checked The current checked state as boolean, ready to be passed to the underlying input element.
disabled A boolean that will be true when submitting.
field A FormField instance, which contains information about the field like the value, its error, the form it is part of and whether is has been modified.
style Will merge your passed style with errorStyle when there is an error on this field and dirtyStyle when the field has been modified.
className Will merge your passed className with field-error when there is an error on this field and field-dirty when the field has been modified. (These classNames can be changed using the errorClassName and dirtyClassName props)

If you don’t like this way of passing props, you can also create custom inputs using the useListener hook (advanced).


You cannot use Field to create a submit button (type=”submit”). Use one of the following alternatives:

  • <form>
        <input type="submit" value="Click here to submit" />
  • <form>
        <button type="submit">Click here to submit</button>


form (required)

The form or child form that contains the field to bind to this input.

name (required)

The name of the field in the form that will be bound to this input.

as ("input" by default)

The element/componment to render, this can be a string specifying “input”, “select”, “textarea” or a custom component. Is “input” by default. The props of the passed custom component are available on this Field component.

errorClassName and errorStyle

The className and/or style to set when there is an error on this field. Default className is field-error.

dirtyClassName and dirtyStyle

The className and/or style to set when this field has been modified. Default className is field-dirty.

dateAsNumber (only type=”date”)

Serialize this fields value as a timestamp instead of a Date object.


Set this prop if you want to hide this input when its field value is null/undefined. Default is false.

setNullOnUncheck and setUndefinedOnUncheck (only type=”checkbox”)

When using one of these props, the checkbox will set null/undefined on the field when unchecked. This prop is only valid for checkboxes. (Can mimic the same behaviour with radio buttons using value props).

Make sure you pass along a value too, this is the value that will be set when it gets checked again. Not doing so, will cause a console warning.

value (only type=”radio” or type=”checkbox”)

  • The value of the radio button when using multi-value fields.
  • The value of the checkbox when using primitive arrays.
  • The on-checked value of the checkbox when using the setNullOnUncheck/setUndefinedOnUncheck prop.


The ref prop to pass to the underlaying component/input.

Custom fields/inputs

The builtin <Field /> component is just an abstraction around the useListener hook. Using this hook, you can create your own custom inputs.