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Toggling a field

typed-react-form allows you to use multiple inputs on the same field, with this feature, you can create a primary input which contains the actual field value, and a secondary field, a checkbox, which sets the field to null/undefined when unchecked.


✔️ Toggle string field using checkbox

import { useForm, Field } from "typed-react-form";

function ToggleForm() {
    const form = useForm({
        name: "codestix"
    return (
            onSubmit={(ev) => {
                console.log("submit", form.values);
            {/* Use the setNullOnUncheck prop. The value prop contains the value that is set when the box gets checked again, you can omit it to use the default value */}
            <Field form={form} name="name" type="checkbox" setNullOnUncheck value="" />
            {/* Use the hideWhenNull prop to hide the input when its field is null */}
            <Field form={form} name="name" type="text" hideWhenNull />

✔️ Toggle object field using checkbox

function ToggleForm() {
    const form = useForm({
        name: "codestix",
        location: { long: 123, lat: 456 } // Object field
    return (
            onSubmit={(ev) => {
                console.log("submit", form.values);
            <Field form={form} name="name" type="text" />

            {/* Use the setNullOnUncheck prop. The value prop contains the value that is set when the box gets checked again, you can omit it to use the default value */}
            <Field form={form} name="location" type="checkbox" setNullOnUncheck />
            {/* ObjectField hides its contents when null/undefined */}
                render={(form) => (
                        <p>Location lat/long</p>
                        <Field form={form} name="lat" type="number" />
                        <Field form={form} name="long" type="number" />