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I press submit but nothing happens

(when using <form> with form.handleSubmit)

Your form will not submit if there is an validation error. If you want to see the current errors, add this line to your form:

const form = useForm(...);
// Show a json representation of the errors in form,
// use AnyListener to rerender when anything in the form changes
return <form>
    <AnyListener form={form} render={() => <pre>{JSON.stringify(form.errorMap, null, 2)}</pre>} />

Problem with styled-components

When you use styled-components to style your inputs, there is a weird bug that breaks type checking on the styled component.

Use the following solution:

// Example styled CustomInput
const StyledCustomInput: typeof CustomInput = styled(CustomInput)`
    &.field-dirty {
        background-color: #0001;

    &.field-error {
        color: red;
        font-weight: bold;

Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function but got: undefined

This sometimes happens after installing this package. Restart your project to fix it. (restart react-scripts)