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A hook that provides array manipulation functions and optimizations for an array field. This is the array-optimized version of useObjectField. This hook only causes a rerender when the array size changes (this is why => ...) works when adding/removing a value).

This hook must be called, unconditionally, at the start of your component, just like the normal React hooks.

If your array field can/will be null or undefined, you should use the ArrayField component instead, which does not render when the array is null/undefined.

useArrayField(parentForm, nameOfArrayField)


parentForm (required)

The parent form which contains the array field to create a array child form for.

name (required)

The name of the array field in the parent form.


An object, containing the following fields:

  • form: The child form associated with this array. Pass this to this child forms and input elements.
  • values: The array, you should {map((e) => ...)} this.
  • setValues(values): A function to update all the array values at once.

The object also contains helper functions to quickly manipulate the array field:

  • remove(index): Function that removes a specific item at index in the array.
  • clear(): Function that clears the array.
  • move(from, to): Function that moves an item in the array
  • swap(index, newIndex): Function that swaps 2 items in the array.
  • append(value): Function that appends an item to the end of the array.


See Array fields for useful examples.