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A validator is a function that takes form values, and returns errors for these values in the same object structure:

example block schema

You can use a validator by passing it to the useForm hook.

Its it recommended to use a validation library, as this makes the process of validating data mush easier. This library has drop-in functionallity for:

You can ofcourse use every validation library there is, but the errors must be converted to be compatible with this library.


import { useForm, Field, FieldError, AnyListener, ErrorMap } from "typed-react-form";

interface LoginRequest {
    email: string;
    password: string;

// May be async if needed
function loginValidator(values: LoginRequest): ErrorMap<LoginRequest, string> {
    // Example validator logic, the returned error object should follow the same structure as the values object.
    return {
        email: < 10 ? "Email must be longer" : undefined,
        password: values.password.length < 5 ? "Password must be longer" : undefined

function FormExample() {
    const form = useForm<LoginRequest>(
        { email: "", password: "" },
        loginValidator, // Pass loginValidator to useForm
        true, // Validate on change (false by default)
        false // Validate on mount (false by default)
    return (
            onSubmit={(ev) => {
                console.log("submit", form.values);
            <Field form={form} name="email" type="email" />
            {/* Render the error between <p></p> tags, you can also specify your custom component */}
            <FieldError as="p" form={form} name="email" />
            <Field form={form} name="password" type="password" />
            <FieldError as="p" form={form} name="password" />
            {/* Listen for any change on the form, and disable the submit button when there is an error */}
            <AnyListener form={form} render={(form) => <button disabled={form.error}>Submit</button>} />

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