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Creates a new form state manager. This hook does not cause a rerender.

This hook must be called, unconditionally, at the start of your component, just like the normal React hooks.

Note for using setState along with useForm: This library is built upon the fact that only the things that change should rerender. When using setState with the form, a state change causes the whole form to rerender. You can reduce this problem by creating components from the things that use the state, or you can use custom form state.

useForm(defaultValues, validator?, validateOnChange = false, validateOnMount = false, defaultState = {isSubmitting: false})


defaultValues (required)

The initial values of the form. When this parameter changes, the form’s default values are updated too. (props/state change)

validator (optional)

The validator of this form, which is a function that accepts form values and returns errors for these values in the same object structure. This function can be async.

See validation.

validateOnChange (optional, true)

True if you want to validate each time a value changes, when false, you have to call form.validate() yourself.

validateOnMount (optional, false)

True if you want to validate when the form mounts.

defaultState (optional)

The default state of the form. Form state contains variables like isSubmitting and other custom form related states.

const form = useForm({ name: "John" }); // form.state = { isSumitting: false } by default.

// Usage with a custom isLoading state.
// You can update the state using `form.setState`. Every child form can access and update this state too.
// You must include `isSubmitting: false`, because the `<Field/>` component requires it.
const form = useForm({ name: "John" }, { isSubmitting: false, isLoading: false });

You can set the form state using setState.


A FormState object.