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Array fields

To create dynamic array fields, you should use the ArrayField component or useArrayField hook. These are wrappers around useObjectField which provide useful functions and optimizations for arrays.

If you have an array field with a constant size, you should probably just use ObjectField. (See bottom for examples)

Note on keys: you should use the index as key, this seems against nature at first, but remember that this library does not rerender each time something in the array changes. When 2 array items get swapped, it does not rerender either, only when the array size changes, it rerenders. For this reason, it is not a problem (and it’s recommended) to use index as the key. (This can change in the future)

Dynamic array examples

✔️ Dynamic string array field using ArrayField

function NotesList() {
    const form = useForm({
        notes: ["Do the dishes", "Go outside", "Drink some water"]
    return (
            onSubmit={(ev) => {
                console.log("submit", form.values);
                render={({ form, values, append, remove }) => (
                        {/* You SHOULD use index as key. See top for info. */}
                        {, i) => (
                            <div key={i}>
                                <Field form={form} name={i} />
                                <button type="button" onClick={() => remove(i)}>
                        <button type="button" onClick={() => append("New note")}>
                            Add note

✔️ Dynamic object array field using ArrayField

Remember: this is all type checked!

function ShoppingListForm() {
    const form = useForm({
        title: "My shopping list",
        items: [{ name: "Coffee", amount: 1 }]

    return (
            onSubmit={(ev) => {
                console.log("submit", form.values);
            <Field form={form} type="text" name="title" />

            {/* Create an array child form for the 'items' field */}
                render={({ form, values, append, remove }) => (
                        {/* This only rerenders when the whole array changes. */}

                        {, i) => (
                            // Create a child form for each item in the array, because each array item is an object.
                                key={i} // You should index as key
                                form={form} // Pass the parent form
                                name={i} // Pass the current index as the name
                                render={(form) => (
                                        {/* Everything here is type-checked! */}
                                        <Field form={form} type="text" name="name" />
                                        <Field form={form} type="number" name="amount" />
                                        <button type="button" onClick={() => remove(i)}>

                        {/* Use the append helper function to add an item to the array */}
                        <button type="button" onClick={() => append({ name: "", amount: 1 })}>
                            Add item

✔️ Dynamic object array field with seperate component for each child form and using useArrayField

interface ShoppingListItem {
    name: string;
    amount: number;
interface ShoppingList {
    title: string;
    items: ShoppingListItem[];

function ShoppingListForm() {
    const form =
        useForm <
        ShoppingList >
            title: "My shopping list",
            items: [{ name: "Coffee", amount: 1 }]
    return (
            onSubmit={(ev) => {
                console.log("submit", form.values);
            <Field form={form} type="text" name="title" />
            <ShoppingListItemsForm parent={form} />

function ShoppingListItemsForm(props: { parent: FormState<ShoppingList> }) {
    const { form, values, append, remove } = useArrayField(props.parent, "items");
    // This component only rerenders when the whole array changes.
    return (
            {, i) => (
                <ShoppingListItemForm parent={form} index={i} key={i} remove={remove} />
            <button type="button" onClick={() => append({ name: "", amount: 1 })}>
                Add item

function ShoppingListItemForm(props: { parent: FormState<ShoppingListItem[]>; index: number; remove: (i: number) => void }) {
    const form = useObjectField(props.parent, props.index);
    return (
            <Field form={form} type="text" name="name" />
            <Field form={form} type="number" name="amount" />
            <button type="button" onClick={() => props.remove(props.index)}>

Fixed array example

A fixed array always has the same size, ObjectField is used, and the index into the array is given using the name prop.

✔️ Fixed array field containing strings

function AnswerForm() {
    const form = useForm({
        // Always 3 items in array
        answers: ["", "", ""]
    return (
            onSubmit={(ev) => {
                console.log("submit", form.values);
                render={(form) => (
                        {/* Use array index as field name */}
                        <p>Answer 1</p>
                        <Field form={form} name={0} type="text" />
                        <p>Answer 2</p>
                        <Field form={form} name={1} type="text" />
                        <p>Answer 3</p>
                        <Field form={form} name={2} type="text" />